Saturday, January 5, 2013


We're nearing the end of 2012, and its the time we look back at the year reflect and make new resolutions. Life was tough yes but life still goes on. One thing for sure, this was by far my worst year, been through some shit I don't ever want to experience again. Thank goodness whether the storm is over or not we have a brand new year to make better mistakes.

"Not forgetting the road to recovery from a failed relationship, the winding lane of courtship with hot cold texts, occasional mood swings and hungovers, late night soliloquy and empty inflated words you're already sick of hearing."

 For a better year, To a wiser us. xx


  1. why didnt you update your blog anymore? miss reading your post :(

  2. I became lazier ha ha will try to do something about it soon ok!
